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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Flowers (Roses) ....!!


Floribunda Roses are another popular type of roses. Floribundas are small bushy plants that grow smaller blooms in clusters. Unlike Hybrid Tea roses, Floribundas can grow 5-12 roses on a single stem at one time. Prior to the early 1900's, Floribundas were known as Hybrid Polyanthas. A few message boards and veteran rosarians still use this term.

                      GRANDIFLORA :

Grandifloras is another common type of rose. Grandifloras are kind of like a mix between a Floribunda and Hybrid Tea. Grandifloras have large blooms on and can be either single-blooms or clustered blooms on a single stem. It's like having the best of both worlds.

                       MINIATURE :

Miniature roses are very small roses grown on small bushes. Typically the blooms are 1-2 inches but can sometimes be as small as ½ inch. The bushes are usually 1-2 feet high but some will grow as large as normal rose bush if pruned to do so. Miniature roses are great for containers and growing indoors. They can be planted in the garden as well.

                       MINI-FLORAS :

Mini-Floras are a fairly new type of rose. They are much like a miniature rose but bigger. Yet, they are still smaller then a floribunda. They are mostly single-blooming roses and are grown well in pots or the garden.

                                        OLD GARDEN ROSES :
Old garden roses are class of roses that were available prior to 1867. The Old Garden Roses or OGR, consists of several old roses classes. In those classes you will find wild roses, bourbons, elentines, gallicas, mosses, noisettes, teas, damasks, musks, and older versions of roses that are now hard to find.

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