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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dogs.....one of mah bestfriend.......!!

Labrador Retriever Breed

  • Breed Group:  Sporting
  • Weight:           Male: 65-80; Female: 55-70 lbs
  • Height:           Male: 22.5-24.5; Female: 21.5-23.5 inches
  • Color(s):           solid black, yellow, or chocolate

Labrador Retriever Overview:- Originating in Newfoundland during the 1700s, the Labrador Retriever was imported to England in the early 1800s. This breed is among the oldest of the modern recognized breeds. Their versatility and endless positive attributes have made the Labrador Retriever a popular family pet. 

Labrador Retriever Character:- The Labrador Retriever is medium in size, strong, athletic, and well balanced. They are friendly, outgoing, and possess an extremely sweet personality. There are two types of Labrador: The American, which is tall and lanky, and the English, which is more thick and heavy. This sporting breed is adept at hunting and retrieving. Labrador Retrievers are revered as companions and highly respected for their loving nature. 

Labrador Retriever Temperament:- This breed is highly intelligent, loyal, and deeply devoted. The Labrador Retriever is reliable, affectionate, and thrive on human companionship and attention. They are absolutely wonderful with children and get along exceedingly well with other dogs. They may be reserved with strangers and make good watchdogs. If this breed is left alone for extended periods of time without attention or stimulation they will become lonely, bored, and destructive. 
Labrador Retriever Care:- The Labrador Retriever requires regular grooming with a firm bristle brush. Special care should be given to the under coat to prevent mats and tangles. Bathing or dry shampooing should only be done when absolutely necessary. Labrador Retrievers are prone to elbow and hip dysplasia, eye disorders, and PRA. 
Labrador Retriever Coat:- The Labrador Retriever is a double coat breed. The outer coat is straight, short, very dense, and hard in texture. The under coat is soft, weather-resistant, and protects this breed from cold, all types of ground cover, and water. The color of the coat comes in chocolate, black, and yellow. This breed is an average shedder.
Labrador Retriever Training:- This breed is easily trained. Early socialization and basic obedience are recommended. The Labrador Retriever is very strong and must be taught not to pull on their leash. They do not respond to harsh or heavy-handed methods. The Labrador Retriever needs fairness, firmness, consistency, reward, and respect. They excel in tracking, police work, search and rescue, agility, competitive obedience, guide for the blind, and as service dogs for the disabled. 
Labrador Retriever Activity:- Delightful, high-spirited, and energetic, the Labrador Retriever requires a great deal of exercise. They enjoy family play sessions, securely leashed walks, swimming, and a safely fenced yard to run and romp freely. This breed will do okay in an apartment dwelling provided they are given sufficient exercise, attention, and stimulation. 

Yorkshire Terrier -Yorkie Breed
  • Breed Group: Toy
  • Weight:         7 lbs
  • Height:         8-9 inches
  • Color(s):         blue and tan. Yorkshire Terriers are born black, gradually attaining their blue and tan coloration as they mature.
Yorkshire Terrier - Yorkie Overview:- The Yorkshire Terrier is a lovely lap dog that much prefers to be held on their owner's lap all day. They have a dose of attitude combined with a bright and playful nature. The Yorkshire Terrier is a true and loyal companion. 
Yorkshire Terrier - Yorkie Character:-  This dog is intelligent, lively, and fearless. They focus entirely on their owner and are extremely affectionate. It has been said that a Yorkshire Terrier requires more human companionship and attention than any other breed. 
Yorkshire Terrier - Yorkie Temperament:- The Yorkshire Terrier can be territorial and likes to have their space respected. They are tolerant of older children if treated with care. The Yorkshire Terrier can also be somewhat independent and assertive. They get along well with other pets.
Yorkshire Terrier - Yorkie Care:- The Yorkshire Terrier's coat requires daily grooming. The hair on top of the head, if grown long, is usually secured with a band or bow. However, if the Yorkshire Terrier is not being used for show, then the coat may be clipped short. Ears and eyes must be cleaned daily. Dental hygiene is also important. 
Yorkshire Terrier - Yorkie Coat:- The Yorkshire Terrier's coat is not coarse, but is fine and silky to the touch. Unlike other breeds, which have fur, the Yorkshire has hair that is growing constantly. They have no undercoat and do not shed. 
Yorkshire Terrier - Yorkie Training:- This breed is quick to learn. However, they may become willful in which case training of any kind can become difficult. Training must have consistency and firmness. They do not like to be ignored, so lots of praise will bring out the best in their training. 
Yorkshire Terrier - Yorkie Activity:- The Yorkshire Terrier requires minimal exercise. They are suited for short walks and ideal for apartment living or homes with small yards. They love to chase shadows, lay in sunbeams, and tug of war. The more attention this breed receives the better. 
Bulldog Breed

  • Breed Group:
    • Non-Sporting
  • Weight:
    • Male: 50; Female: 40 lbs
  • Height:
    • 12-15 inches
  • Color(s):
    • brindle, solid white, red, or fawn, or any of these on a white background

Bulldog Overview:- Descended from the Asiatic mastiff, the Bulldog was developed in Great Britain. Their primary function was that of a participant in the blood sport of bull baiting. They were also used against bears, other vicious carnivores, and lions. During the 19th century purebred Bulldogs were very rare due to the enactment of the anti-baiting laws. Today the Bulldog is a family companion and show dog.
Bulldog Character:- The Bulldog is moderate in size, heavy, and built low to the ground. They are strong, kind, amiable, and courageous. This breed is not vicious or aggressive and is quite dignified. They possess a passive demeanor and have a quirky sense of humor. 
Bulldog Temperament:- This breed is loyal, exceedingly affectionate, and deeply devoted to their family. The Bulldog is dependable, gentle, and does well in a home with children. They will get along with other pets they have been raised with but may be rude and try to bully strange dogs. They thrive on human attention and are dependent upon it for their happiness and well-being. The Bulldog has excellent guarding abilities but will only bark when absolutely necessary. This breed is very possessive of food and should never be fed in the presence of children or pets.
Bulldog Care:- The Bulldog needs occasional brushing with a firm bristle brush. Bathing or dry shampooing should only be done when necessary. This breed has a tendency to slobber and drool so daily cleaning of the face is a must. They are prone to such health issues as breathing problems, low tolerance to anesthesia, poor eyesight, skin infections, and hip and knee problems. Nearly all Bulldogs must be born by Caesarean section due to their large heads. They are adverse to weather extremes and are highly susceptible to heat stroke. This breed is also well known for their active gastrointestinal system. 
Bulldog Coat:- The coat of the Bulldog is close, straight, short, glossy, and smooth. It is of fine texture and there is no feathering, fringe, or curl. The color of the coat comes in red brindle, solid white, solid red, fawn, or fallow, piebald, and various colors of brindle. This breed is an average shedder.
Bulldog Training:- Early socialization and obedience are a must for the Bulldog. They have a tendency to be hardheaded and stubborn. It is important that they be taught to know their owner is dominant. They do not respond to harsh or heavy-handed methods. Training must be done with firmness, fairness, patience, consistency, praise, and reward. 
Bulldog Activity:- The Bulldog must have daily exercise to stay fit. A securely leashed walk will suffice. They also benefit from and enjoy short family play sessions. This breed is well suited for apartment, condominium, and city dwelling. Bulldogs are very inactive indoors and do not need a yard. 
German Shepherd Breed

  • Breed Group: Herding
  • Weight:          75-95 lbs
  • Height:           Male: 24-26; Female: 22-24 inches
  • Color(s):         Most colors, other than white, are permissible

German Shepherd Overview:- This breed was developed in the 19th century by Max Von Stephanitz who is considered to be the father of the German Shepherd. Revered for their versatility as companion and for their dedication to work, this breed has the distinction of being the first dog ever used as a guide for the blind. Today the German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds in the world. 
German Shepherd Character:- The German Shepherd is a breed of classic beauty and possesses superior intelligence. They are highly adaptable, energetic, curious, strong, and dependable. This breed displays a magnificent appearance and is extremely agile with great stamina and endurance. 
German Shepherd Temperament:- A member of the herding group, the German Shepherd is fearless, bold, hard working, and alert. They are esteemed for their loyalty, deep devotion, and courage. This breed thrives on human interaction from their family and does not like to be left alone for extended periods of time. German Shepherds are exceptionally wary of strangers. They will most generally get along with other household pets they have been raised with. This breed will attempt to perform the task of herding on anything and everything that moves. The German Shepherd is not recommended for the novice, apathetic, or sedentary owner. 
German Shepherd Care:- This breed requires daily brushing to minimize loose hair. Bathing should only be done when absolutely necessary using a mild shampoo to preserve the integrity of the coat. German Shepherds are prone to such health issues as blood disorders, elbow and hip dysplasia, epilepsy, flea allergies, digestive problems, and chronic eczema.
German Shepherd Coat:- The German Shepherd is a double coat breed. The outer coat is harsh, straight, and thick. The under coat is dense and soft. The coat comes in a variety of colors such as black and tan, black and cream, black and silver, solid black, and sable. The German Shepherd comes in three varieties: rough coat, long hair, and long rough coat. This breed is a continuous shedder with seasonal heavy shedding. 
German Shepherd Training:- The German Shepherd requires early intensive and extensive socialization and obedience training. They will not respond to harsh or heavy-handed methods. This breed is obedient and quick to learn. Training must be done with respect, firmness, fairness, reward, and consistency. They are exceptionally talented in tracking, schutzhund, agility, obedience, fly-ball, and ring sport. The German Shepherd is often used in police work, search and rescue, as a guide for the blind, and military work.
German Shepherd Activity:- This breed is happiest when given a job to do. They require strenuous exercise and enjoy securely leashed walks, family play sessions, and a large safely fenced area to romp and run freely in. The German Shepherd will do okay in an apartment or condominium dwelling provided they are given sufficient exercise, stimulation, and attention.
Golden Retriever Breed

  • Breed Group: Sporting
  • Weight:          Male: 65-75; Female: 55-65 lbs
  • Height:           Male: 23-24; Female: 21.5-22.5 inches
  • Color(s):         various shades of gold

Golden Retriever Overview:- The Golden Retriever was developed in Britain during the 1800's. The man responsible for this illustrious breed, Lord Tweedmouth, wanted a dog that was loyal, kind, spirited, and energetic. He also wanted a dog with a love for water and the ability to retrieve. Golden Retrievers are the embodiment of beauty and brains.
Golden Retriever Character:- The Golden Retriever is a gorgeous, large, and energetic breed. They are the world's foremost family pet and companion. They are sturdy, well proportioned, and are well known for their hunting capabilities on land and in the water. The Golden is perceptive and agile. 
Golden Retriever Temperament:- Golden Retrievers are loveable, polite, and highly intelligent. They exude charm and confidence. They are sweet, eager to please, and devoted family companions. They do not do well if left alone for extended periods of time or they will become mischievous and destructive. They have a tendency to be overly exuberant and distractible. They are always gentle and patient with children. They are friendly with other pets. In fact, they are friendly with everyone. They tend to bark as a form of greeting. The Golden Retriever is not well suited for a two career family as they require an inordinate amount of human interaction and companionship.
Golden Retriever Care:- The Golden Retriever requires daily and thorough brushing with a firm bristle brush. They should be dry shampooed regularly, and bathed only when absolutely necessary with a mild shampoo. They are prone to hip dysplasia, cataracts, and skin allergies. It is important to not over feed the Golden Retriever, as they have a tendency to gain weight.
Golden Retriever Coat:- The Golden Retriever has a double coat that is water repellent and weather resistant. The outer coat is firm, resilient, and can be wavy or straight. The tail and legs are feathered with longer hair. The under coat is dense and soft in texture. The coat color is rich, lustrous, and varies in shades of cream to gold. The Golden is a heavy shedder.
Golden Retriever Training:- The Golden Retriever is one of the easiest breeds to train. They excel in obedience and are popular therapy and service dogs. They have many talents including competitive obedience, narcotic detection, agility, and performing tricks.
Golden Retriever Activity:- The Golden Retriever requires daily exercise. They enjoy play sessions with their family, retrieving balls and other toys. They will do okay in an apartment dwelling provided they are sufficiently exercised. Golden Retrievers are moderately active indoors and does best with a medium to large sized securely fenced yard.

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