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Saturday, February 19, 2011



Goldfish are the most popular type of fish as pets. Long gone are the days when the goldfish was boring and dull. There are now 300 different colors. Goldfish need special goldfish food as their dietary needs are different.


Betta fish are one of the most popular tropical fish found in a lot of aquariums. They are extremely colorful .They are also known as the Siamese fighting fish and if put together, the males will fight to the death. Females can be kept together in groups of six and they can live with other gentle community fish.


The clown fish has become increasingly more popular since the film 'Finding Nemo', and they are recognized by bright coloring. There is a high demand for this type of tropical fish so breeders are cashing in by charging a fortune for them. They usually 
live in pairs.


These fish are aptly named for their sword-shaped tails. There are different colors and shapes available due to crossbreeding and they are easy to care. They like to live with plants. They do like to be kept with their own kind so it is always worth having around six of them.


The Bloodfin tetra is a fairly non-aggressive fish and it can live peacefully. They are ideal for beginners and have long life span. They grow up to two inches in length and they are widely available.

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